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The Department has organised following international events:

2014  ESS Science Symposium 2014  in Prague on November 17-18, 2014

2013  SMST 2013 international conference  in Prague on May 21-24 2013

2011  SMA modelling HETMAT workshop - International workshop focused on development of SMA models on March 10,.2011 in Prague

2010 Roundrobin SMA modelling -   benchmark of thermomechanical models of SMAs covering website, set of articles and meetings all over Europe was organised by the Department with support from S3T ESF EUROCORES .

2009 Esomat 2009  in Prague on September 9-11 2009, the department launched dedicated www pages of the Esomat community at EDP Science.

2009 A heat activated artificial flower was designed and developed for the Czech TV show "Wonders of Nature"

2009-15  Annual Department seminars with international participation in November In Ostre organised by O. Heczko



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