Name | Description |
Garant![]() |
Case Reference | Valid From | Valid To |
Mobility Taiwan |
MOST-20-11, zakázka 181030 |
David Vokoun | January, 2020 | December, 2021 | |
Smart MEMS/NEMS rezonátory s vrstvami funkčních materiálů využívající lokální a globální nelinearity pro ultracitlivé (bio) senzorické aplikace |
GAČR 21-12994J, zakázka 181010 |
Ivo Stachiv | January, 2021 | December, 2023 | |
Strain compatibility issues in mechanically driven martensitic transformations in shape memory alloy polycrystals |
Experimentally and theoretically supported description of the link between microstructure parameters and cooperative deformation processes related to the stress-induced martensitic transformation constrained by grain interactions in polycrystalline shape memory alloys. |
L. Heller | April, 2022 | December, 2024 | |
Ferroic Multifunctionalities - Ferrmion |
The FerrMion project focusses on the research and applications of ferroic materials such as ferroelastics and multiferroics, most of which are metallic materials (shape memory alloys and magnetic martensites) to be carried out through a wide spectrum of scientific fields. |
L. Heller, P. Sittner, J. Capek | January, 2024 | June, 2028 | |
Tailoring strain heterogeneity on macro- and micro-scales in NiTi shape memory alloys by transformation-induced plasticity |
Tailoring strain heterogeneity on macro- and micro-scales in NiTi shape memory alloys by transformation-induced plasticity. |
P. Šittner | January, 2022 | December, 2024 | |
Akademická prémie - Praemium Academiae |
zakázka 185180 |
Petr Šittner | January, 2021 | December, 2026 | |
Jevy lokalizace v materiálech s tvarovou pamětí: experimenty a modelování |
GAČR, 18-03834S, zakázka 181740 |
Petr Šittner | January, 2018 | June, 2021 | |
Úpravy mikrostruktury podpovrchových vrstev slitin s tvarovou pamětí NiTi pro zlepšení únavových vlastností |
GAČR 20-14114S, zakázka 181070 |
Petr Šittner | January, 2020 | December, 2022 |
Name | Description |
Garant![]() |
Case Reference | Valid From | Valid To |
Modeling and fabrication of smart actuators | Collaboration project Taiwan-CR AV CR, 2009-10 | D. Vokoun | January, 2009 | December, 2010 | |
Lomové vlastnosti amorfních a krystalických materiálů stanovené pomocí nanoindentace a fokusova nebo iontového svazku v malém meřítku. |
GAČR, 17-05360S |
David Vokoun | January, 2017 | December, 2019 | |
Micromechanical resonators with intentionally changeable physical and mechanical properties applicable in various biomaterials and physical sensors |
GAČR 15-13174J |
I. Stachiv | January, 2015 | December, 2017 | |
Development of inovative orientation assistance tools for sightless | 2010-13 | J. Pilch | February, 2010 | February, 2013 | |
Optimization of microstructure and properties of shape memory alloy filaments by controlling recovery processes during heat treatment by short pulse electric current | Postdoctoral project, GAČR P108/12/P111, 2012-14 | J. Pilch | February, 2012 | February, 2014 | |
Zpracování inovativních intermetalik na bázi železa mechanickým legováním |
GAČR, 17-07559S |
Jaromír Kopeček | January, 2017 | December, 2019 | |
Parametrická reprezentace a stochasticke 3D modelovaní mikrostruktury zrn polykrystalických materiálů |
GAČR, 17-00393J |
Jaromír Kopeček | January, 2017 | December, 2019 | |
Development and Characterization of Active Hybrid Textiles with Integrated Nanograin NiTi Micro Wires | Project no. P108/10/1296 of the Czech Science Foundation, 2010-12 | L. Heller | NiTiTex | January, 2010 | December, 2012 |
Upscaling the applicability of NiTi shape memory alloys by improving their fatigue performance |
NiTiUp, Czech Science Foundation GAČR 16-20264S |
L. Heller | January, 2016 | December, 2018 | |
Fatigue of high temperature SMA actuators |
FACT, GAČR P107/12/0800, 2012-15 |
P. Šittner | January, 2011 | December, 2015 |
Name | Description |
Garant![]() |
Case Refernce | Valid From | Valid To |
Development and study of a new class of shape memory releasable fasteners | MIRG-CT-2007-046559, 2007-9 | D. Vokoun | Cerinka | January, 2007 | December, 2009 |
Shape Memory Coupling for Connecting Pipes, ESA, Artes project |
Luděk Heller | Shape Memory Coupling for Connecting Pipes | July, 2017 | July, 2018 |
Development of a superelastic material that enables its cost effective application in highly compliant compression hosiery for over 18 millions European citizens suffering from Chronic Venus Insufficiency | NMP2-CT-2005-515813, 2006-8 | P. Šittner | Loose & Tight | May, 2006 | June, 2008 |
Integrated Wind Turbine Design | N-019945, , 2006-10 | P. Šittner | UpWind | March, 2006 | February, 2011 |
Carbon-SMA hybrid composites for impact resistant structural applications | CSIR-ASCR collaboration project India-CR, AV CR, 2012-14 | P. Šittner | January, 2012 | December, 2014 | |
Eco-efficient and High Productive Stone Processing by Multifunctional Materials | COLL-CT-2005-516417-1, 2005-8 | P. Šittner | Pro-Stone | February, 2005 | February, 2008 |
Multi-scale modelling and characterisation for phase transformations in advanced materials | MRTN-CT-2004-505226, 2004-8 | P. Šittner | M-C RTN Multimat | February, 2004 | February, 2008 |
The Transformation from Collaborative Knowledge Exploration Networks into Cross Sectoral and Service Oriented Integrated Value System | 2011-13 | P. Šittner | SMARTNETS | February, 2011 | February, 2013 |
Tools for modeling, design and control of smart structural systems based on shape memory alloys: Material algoritms, Finite Element methods, Experiments | project S3T ESF EUROCORES, 2006-9 | P. Šittner | Mafesma | January, 2006 | September, 2010 |
Multifunctional textile structures driving new production and organizational paradigms by textile SME Interoperation Across high added VALue SectOrs for knowledge based product service creation | NMP2-CT-2005-515813, 2004-9 | P. Šittner | Avalon | February, 2004 | February, 2009 |
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