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Současná výzkumná témata (18)

Téma Garantsort ascending Další výzkumní pracovníci Referenční případ
Enhancement of photovoltaic applications via the use of NCD layers x
The surface modification and characterization of NDP x
Low temperature deposition of diamond over large areas x
Dislocation core structure and mobility V. Paidar Three types of dislocation core structure in B2 alloys
Plastic deformation and twin interfaces in hexagonal metals V. Paidar
In-situ x-ray diffraction studies of functional fatigue of superelastic NiTi P. Šittner P. Sedmák, J.Pilch, L. Heller, J. Kadeřávek Instability of cyclic superelastic deformation of NiTi investigated by synchr...
Deformation processes in NiTi investigated by in-situ X-ray and neutron diffraction P. Šittner J. Pilch, L. Kadeřávek, L. Heller, P. Sedmák In situ investigation of the fast microstructure evolution during electropuls...
Modelling thermomechanical properties of SMAs P. Šittner L. Heller, D. Vokoun Young’s Modulus of Austenite and Martensite Phases in Superelastic NiTi Wires
Fatigue of high temperature shape memory alloy actuators P. Šittner J.Pilch, L.Heller, L.Kadeřávek In-Situ Studies during Cyclic Loading of NiTi-Based Shape Memory Alloy Actuators
Grain boundary segragation in metals P. Lejček V. Paidar Grain boundary segragation in metals


Minulá výzkumná témata (12)

Téma Garantsort ascending Další výzkumní pracovníci Referenční případ
Investigation of martensitic transformations in single crystals of SMAs: CuAlNi, NiTi, NiMnGa, CoNiAl V. Novák P. Šittner, J. Kopeček, D.Vokoun, O. Heczko Transformation behavior of prism shaped shape memory alloy single crystals
Study of electronic processes in materials for solar cells. V. Mortet P. Ashcheulov Diamond-based electrodes for photovoltaic devices
Medical devices based on NiTi P. Šittner L. Heller, J. Pilch Novel support stockings that are both 'loose and tight'
Ferromagnetic materials studies - the effect of deformation stress and heat treatment on hysteresis and magnetic domains structure plus measurements of Barkhausen effect and magneto-acoustic emission O. Perevertov O. Heczko, V. Kopecký, M. Landa , A. Stupakov Effect of applied tensile stress on the hysteresis curve and magnetic domain ...
Heusler alloys with martensitic transformation and magnetic shape memory effect /preparation, characterization, properties studies/ O. Heczko M. Dušák, M. Rameš, L. Klimša, S. Sedláková Magnetic shape memory effect and highly mobile twin boundaries
In-situ TEM studies of deformation processes in materials N. Zárubová P. Šittner In situ TEM study of deformation twinning in Ni–Mn–Ga non-modulated martensite
Elastic properties of phases in SMAs M.Landa P. Sedlák, P. Šittner, L. Heller, V. Novák Elastic constants of bcc austenite and 2H orthorhombic martensite in CuAlNi s...
Research and development of engineering applications of SMAs L. Heller L. Kadeřávek, J. Pilch, P. Šittner FP6 EU project PROSTONE - SMA applications in stone industry
Material research, alloy casting and single crystal growth J.Kopeček Precipitation in the Fe-38 at.% Al-1 at.% C alloy
Electron microscopy and preparation of materials J. Kopeček M. Dušák, L. Klimša, J. Remiášová Differently mobile twin boundaries and magnetic shape memory effect in 10 M m...


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