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Výzkumná témata

Současná výzkumná témata (18)

Téma Garant Další výzkumní pracovníci Referenční případ
In-situ x-ray diffraction studies of functional fatigue of superelastic NiTi P. Šittner P. Sedmák, J.Pilch, L. Heller, J. Kadeřávek Instability of cyclic superelastic deformation of NiTi investigated by synchr...
Low temperature deposition of diamond over large areas x
Micromechanical resonators based on NiTi for bioapplications I. Stachiv D.Vokoun, L. Heller
Modelling thermomechanical properties of SMAs P. Šittner L. Heller, D. Vokoun Young’s Modulus of Austenite and Martensite Phases in Superelastic NiTi Wires
Plastic deformation and twin interfaces in hexagonal metals V. Paidar
Smart textiles with NiTi filaments L. Heller L.Kadeřávek, P.Sittner Functional textiles driven by transforming NiTi wires, FP6 project AVALON and...
Structure and properties of grain boundaries in metals P. Lejček V.Paidar Review on grain boundaries in metals
The surface modification and characterization of NDP x


Minulá výzkumná témata (12)

Téma Garant Další výzkumní pracovníci Referenční případ
Research and development of engineering applications of SMAs L. Heller L. Kadeřávek, J. Pilch, P. Šittner FP6 EU project PROSTONE - SMA applications in stone industry
Study of electronic processes in materials for solar cells. V. Mortet P. Ashcheulov Diamond-based electrodes for photovoltaic devices


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