Název | Popis | Garant | Referenční případ | Platný od | Platný do |
Jevy lokalizace v materiálech s tvarovou pamětí: experimenty a modelování |
GAČR, 18-03834S, zakázka 181740 |
Petr Šittner | January, 2018 | June, 2021 | |
Nanokrystalické diamantové elektrody pro fotoelektrochemické aplikace |
GAČR 19-09784Y, zakázka 181120 |
Petr Ashcheulov | January, 2019 | December, 2021 | |
Mobility Taiwan |
MOST-20-11, zakázka 181030 |
David Vokoun | January, 2020 | December, 2021 | |
Studium elektrochemických a adsorpčních dějů na nanostrukturovaných sp2 a sp3 uhlíkových površích ve vztahu k jejich fyzikálně chemickým vlastnostem |
GAČR 20-03187S, zakázka 181040 |
Andrew Taylor | January, 2020 | December, 2022 | |
Kombinovaná intenzivní plastická deformace pro přípravu tvarovaných ultrajemnozrnných materiálů s gradientními strukturami |
GAČR 20-05903S, zakázka 181070 |
Pavel Lejček | January, 2020 | December, 2022 | |
Biosenzory pro epidemiologický monitoring virových respiračních onemocnění |
MV/TAČR VI04000090, zakázka 181300 |
Vincent Mortet | January, 2021 | December, 2022 | |
Úpravy mikrostruktury podpovrchových vrstev slitin s tvarovou pamětí NiTi pro zlepšení únavových vlastností |
GAČR 20-14114S, zakázka 181070 |
Petr Šittner | January, 2020 | December, 2022 | |
Základní prvky diamantové výkonové elektroniky |
GAČR 20-11140S, zakázka 181050 |
Vincent Mortet | January, 2020 | December, 2022 | |
Smart MEMS/NEMS rezonátory s vrstvami funkčních materiálů využívající lokální a globální nelinearity pro ultracitlivé (bio) senzorické aplikace |
GAČR 21-12994J, zakázka 181010 |
Ivo Stachiv | January, 2021 | December, 2023 | |
Strain compatibility issues in mechanically driven martensitic transformations in shape memory alloy polycrystals |
Experimentally and theoretically supported description of the link between microstructure parameters and cooperative deformation processes related to the stress-induced martensitic transformation constrained by grain interactions in polycrystalline shape memory alloys. |
L. Heller | April, 2022 | December, 2024 |
Název | Popis | Garant | Referenční případ | Platný od | Platný do |
Calibration of a crystal plasticity based model using monocrystal samples |
Project MŠMT, MEB 090909, program KONTAKT 6039/2008-32 |
J. Kopeček | January, 2009 | December, 2010 | |
Stability and elastic properties of martensitic phases in shape memory alloys | Project GA AV CR, A200100627, 2006-10 | V Novák | Final report in Czech | January, 2006 | December, 2010 |
Modeling and fabrication of smart actuators | Collaboration project Taiwan-CR AV CR, 2009-10 | D. Vokoun | January, 2009 | December, 2010 | |
Materiálové inženýrství supravodičů (ESO) |
Project MŠMT ME 10069, Program KONTAKT |
M. Jirsa | January, 2010 | December, 2012 | |
Development and Characterization of Active Hybrid Textiles with Integrated Nanograin NiTi Micro Wires | Project no. P108/10/1296 of the Czech Science Foundation, 2010-12 | L. Heller | NiTiTex | January, 2010 | December, 2012 |
Development of inovative orientation assistance tools for sightless | 2010-13 | J. Pilch | February, 2010 | February, 2013 | |
Optimization of microstructure and properties of shape memory alloy filaments by controlling recovery processes during heat treatment by short pulse electric current | Postdoctoral project, GAČR P108/12/P111, 2012-14 | J. Pilch | February, 2012 | February, 2014 | |
Mechanical properties of functional layers of submicrom thickness |
Project no. 101/09/0702 of the Czech Science Foundation |
J. Kopeček | January, 2009 | December, 2014 | |
Multiepitopová syntetická vakcína proti borelióze pro veterinární aplikace |
TA01011165 TA ČR |
x | January, 2011 | December, 2014 | |
Fatigue of high temperature SMA actuators |
FACT, GAČR P107/12/0800, 2012-15 |
P. Šittner | January, 2011 | December, 2015 |
Název | Popis | Garant | Referenční případ | Platný od | Platný do |
Eco-efficient and High Productive Stone Processing by Multifunctional Materials | COLL-CT-2005-516417-1, 2005-8 | P. Šittner | Pro-Stone | February, 2005 | February, 2008 |
Multi-scale modelling and characterisation for phase transformations in advanced materials | MRTN-CT-2004-505226, 2004-8 | P. Šittner | M-C RTN Multimat | February, 2004 | February, 2008 |
Development of a superelastic material that enables its cost effective application in highly compliant compression hosiery for over 18 millions European citizens suffering from Chronic Venus Insufficiency | NMP2-CT-2005-515813, 2006-8 | P. Šittner | Loose & Tight | May, 2006 | June, 2008 |
Multifunctional textile structures driving new production and organizational paradigms by textile SME Interoperation Across high added VALue SectOrs for knowledge based product service creation | NMP2-CT-2005-515813, 2004-9 | P. Šittner | Avalon | February, 2004 | February, 2009 |
Development and study of a new class of shape memory releasable fasteners | MIRG-CT-2007-046559, 2007-9 | D. Vokoun | Cerinka | January, 2007 | December, 2009 |
Tools for modeling, design and control of smart structural systems based on shape memory alloys: Material algoritms, Finite Element methods, Experiments | project S3T ESF EUROCORES, 2006-9 | P. Šittner | Mafesma | January, 2006 | September, 2010 |
Integrated Wind Turbine Design | N-019945, , 2006-10 | P. Šittner | UpWind | March, 2006 | February, 2011 |
Basic studies on NiTi Shape Memory Wires to realize High Frequency Actuators | Collaboration project India-CR AV CR, 2009-11 | P. Šittner | January, 2009 | December, 2011 | |
The Transformation from Collaborative Knowledge Exploration Networks into Cross Sectoral and Service Oriented Integrated Value System | 2011-13 | P. Šittner | SMARTNETS | February, 2011 | February, 2013 |
Carbon-SMA hybrid composites for impact resistant structural applications | CSIR-ASCR collaboration project India-CR, AV CR, 2012-14 | P. Šittner | January, 2012 | December, 2014 |
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