Lattice Defects Generated by Cyclic Thermomechanical Loading of Superelastic NiTi Wire by O.Tyc, L.Heller and P. Sittner |
The effect of powder size on the mechanical and corrosion properties and the ignition temperature of WE43 alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering by D. Dvorsky et al. |
Microstructural, mechanical, in vitro corrosion and biological characterization of an extruded Zn-0.8Mg-0.2Sr (wt%) as an absorbable material by J. Čapek et al, |
Reconstruction of Heat Sources Induced in Superelastically Loaded Ni-Ti Wire By Localized Deformation Processes by A.Jury,X.Balladruand,L.Heller,P.Sittner,M.Karlik |
Entropy matters in grain boundary segregation article on invitation from the Acta Materialia journal written by P. Lejček |
Deformation infrared calorimetry for materials characterization applied to study cyclic superelasticity in NiTi wire article introducing novel experimental method published in Material & Design journal written by E. Alarcon |
Mass spectrometry of heavy analytes and large biological aggregates by monitoring changes in quality factor of nanomechanical resonator in air written by I. Stuchiv was published in ACS sensors |
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 2019 Editor’s Choice Selections
Two articles from the Department: Tensile Deformation of Superelastic NiTi Wires in Wide Temperature and Microstructure Ranges and B2 ⇒ B19′ ⇒ B2T Martensitic Transformation as a Mechanism of Plastic Deformation of NiTi were selected by the editors of Shape memory and Superelasticity journal to belong among the top 6 articles of the year 2019 and awarded free online access. |
First report of transparent conductive boron-doped diamond electrodes fabrication at low temperatures published by P. Ashcheulov et al. in Applied Materials Today
Low temperature synthesis of transparent conductive boron doped diamond films for optoelectronic applications: Role of hydrogen on the electrical properties |
Grain morphology reconstruction of crystalline materials from Laue three-dimensional neutron diffraction tomography by Stavros Samothrakitis, Camilla Laresen et al. Scientific Reports (2020) 10:3724 |