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Presentation of Prof. Tomasz Goryczka 03/02/2025 at 13:30 in Dvorak Hall

Department Seminar with a presentation by Prof. Tomasz Goryczka.

Monday, February 03, 2025, at 13:30 in Dvorak Hall

Prof. Tomasz Goryczka
Institute of Materials Engineering, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

"NiTi-based composites dedicated to medical applications"

Although more than half a century has passed since the shape memory effects in NiTi alloys were discovered, these materials remain at the centre of attention. It refers to their potential application possibilities as medical implants or components of medical instruments. The NiTi alloy generally reveals a good biotolerance, corrosion resistance, and the largest (in the family of NiTi-based alloys) - shape memory effect. These features are sufficient for medical instruments - remaining in a relatively short time of contact with living organisms. However, using them for implants with extended residence time may not be sufficient. The problem is corrosion, which, in the case of NiTi, leads to the release of nickel ions, which are considered toxic and/or allergenic.
Hence, in the Institute of Materials Engineering (University of Silesia in Katowice), research was done on modifying the NiTi surface to produce multifunctional layers or coatings depending on the intended use. The results enabled the design and production of prototyped medical implants used in practice in cooperation with medical and veterinary units.


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