RNDr. Petr Šittner, CSc.
Na Slovance 2, Prague 8,18221 Czech Republic
Office phone: +42066052657
E-mail: sittner (at) fzu.cz
Quick links
Research Interests
Since 1991 I have been involved in the research of martensitic transformations and related phenomena in solids and functional materials, particularly Shape Memory Alloys /SMA/, focussing :
- experiments and modelling of martensitic transformations in Cu-based alloy single crystals,
- experiments and modelling of thermomechanical behavior of SMAs under general loading conditions,
- development, testing and modelling of NiTi reinforced composites,
- analysis of physical property changes of solids associated with martensitic transformation
- thin NiTi filament research
- development of SMA textile technologies,
- development and application of thermomechanical models of SMAs
- in-situ x-ray and neutron diffraction applied to SMAs.
The SMA research lab I founded and built with my colleague Vaclav Novak in the Institute of Physics CAS in 1995 has gradually developed into the present Functional Materials and Composites research group currently headed by L. Heller. The FMC research group currently focusses on the improvement of fatigue performance of NiTi alloys.
At present, I am mainly working in the following research areas:
- development and application of x-ray and neutron diffraction methods to SMAs,
- fatigue of NiTi actuators,
- nonconventional heat treatment and shape setting of NiTi
- environmental fatigue of NiTi for medical devices.
Publication Record
Selected Key Recent Publications
- L. Heller, P.Šittner, P.Sedlák, H.Seiner, O.Tyc, L.Kadeřávek, P.Sedmák, M.Vronka Beyond the strain recoverability of martensitic transformation in NiTi International Journal of Plasticity 116, 232-264 (2019)
- P. Šittner, P. Sedlák, H. Seiner, P. Sedmák, J. Pilch, R. Delville, L. Heller, L. Kadeřávek, On the coupling between martensitic transformation and plasticity in NiTi: Experiments and continuum based modelling, Progress in Materials Science, , 98;249-298 (2018)
- P. Sedmák, J. Pilch, L.Heller, J. Kopeček, J. Wright, P. Sedlák, M. Frost, P. Šittner, Grain-resolved analysis of localized deformation in nickel-titanium wire under tensile load, Science 353, 559-562 (2016)
- P.Sedmák, P.Šittner, J.Pilch, C.Curfs, Instability of cyclic superelastic deformation of NiTi investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Acta Mater., 94, 257-270 (2015)
- J. Racek, M. Stora, P. Šittner, L. Heller, J. Kopeček, M. Petrenec, Monitoring Tensile Fatigue of Superelastic NiTi Wire in Liquids by Electrochemical Potential, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 1, 204-230 (2015)
- P. Šittner, L. Heller, J. Pilch, C. Curfs, T. Alonso and D. Favier, Young´s Modulus of Austenite and Martensite Phases in Superelastic NiTi Wires, J. Mat. Eng. Perform., 23, 2303-2314 (2014)
- M Frost, P Sedlák, L Kadeřávek, L Heller, P Šittner, Modeling of mechanical response of NiTi shape memory alloy subjected to combined thermal and non-proportional mechanical loading: a case study on helical spring actuator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,27,927–1938 (2016),
- 1978 - 1983 The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Department of Solid State Physics. Thesis: "Structural superplasticity of single phase Zn-0.25wt.%Cd alloy".
- 1992 CSc. (Ph.D.) degree, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Thesis: "Cyclic deformation of bicrystals of bcc alloys Fe-Si and Fe-Cr".
Work Record
1987 - 1991 PhD studies at of the Institute of Physics of the CAS
1991 - 1993 Scientist at tof the Institute of Physics of the CAS
1993 - 1995 Research Associate at Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, Tsu, Japan
1995 - 2008 Senior scientist at the Institute of Physics of the CAS
2009 – ……..Head of the Functional Material Department at the Institute of Physics of the CAS
2012 – 2017 Vice director of the Institute of Physics of the CAS
2016 – ……..head of the Condensed Matter Division of the Institute of Physics of the CAS
Scientific stays abroad
1989 - Institute of Metal Research, Academia Sinica, Shenyang, P.R.China (3 months)
1992 - 1995 - Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, Tsu 514, Mie, Japan, Research Associate (3 years)
1996 - Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, Tsu 514, Mie, JSPS (9 months)
1999 - Department MTM, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Belgium (3 months)
2000 - Department MTM, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Belgium (2 months)
2002 - Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, Tsu 514, Mie, Japan, invited professor (3 months)
2003 - School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Australia, invited fellow (3 months)
2004 - LMARC Besancon, France, invited professor (1 month)
2010 - University Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble, France, invited professor (3 months)
- P. Šittner, T. W. Clyne and Y. Barber Special issue Smart Materials of the Journal Materials Science and Technology, Maney Publishers, November 2014
- P. Šittner, L. Heller and P. Sedlák Proceedings of SMST 2013, ASM International, 2013
- P. Šittner, L. Heller and P. Sedlák Special issue of the Journal of Material Performance and Engineering Springer, July 2014
- Petr Šittner, Václav Paidar, Luděk Heller and Hanuš Seiner. Proceedings of ESOMAT 2009 - 8th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, EDP Sciences, 2009
Scientific activities
- Member of the Board of Directors of the SMST ASM International
- Chairmen of International Symposium on Martensitic Transformation ESOMAT 2009 held in Prague
- Chairmen of international conference Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies SMST2013 held in Prague
- Member of the committee of S3T ESF EUROCORES programme
- Member of In-kind review committee of European Spallation Source
- Chairman of Materials Science Session at IMC 2014 congress in Prague
- Member of IP ASCR Council
- Member of Scientific Council of the Faculty of Mathematics of the Physics of Charles University
- Associated editor of the Shape Memory and Superelasticity journal