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On January 30, Eduardo Alarcon defended his Czech-French PhD thesis in Brest, France , congratulations.

NiTi20Hf shape memory alloy was used in the actuation system for the rotating wingtips in the test flight series of the Spanwise Adaptive Wing project (SAW).

On January 16 2018, Pavel Sedmak completed his PhD at FJFI CVUT.. Congratulations

Pavel Sedmak Thesis

Seminar of the Department of Functional Materials


Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 13-14.30 main FZU lecture hall 



Information on submitted papers

Organisational matters

Investigation of deformation processes in shape memory alloys by 3D x-ray diffraction and x-ray microscopy

Dr. Ashley Bucsek

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA


The MSM research group headed by Oleg Heczko left the Department of Functional Materials on September 1th  2017. O. Heczko was appointed to serve as the head of new Department of Magnetic Measurements and Materials.

Inspirational multiscale biological composites

Thursday June 22 2017, 10 AM in the main lectrure hall FZÚ Na Slovance



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