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Oleg Heczko was appointed as a chairmen of ICFSMA 2019 conference to be held in June 2019 in Prague.

ICFSMA 2019  is the most important international conference in the field of magnetic shape memory alloys.

Prof I. Kratochvílová and her colleagues, who were organized within the PPB group in our Department, have moved on September 1, 2016 to the Department of Analysis of Functional Materials of the Division of Optics. They will continue their biophysics research in the Division of Optics and I.

The role of surface in Environmental fatigue of NiTi stents

Zajímavé objevy vznikají často díky náhodě. Potvrdilo se to ostatně u nápadu, který může ušetřit až 20 procent celkového objemu paliva v jaderných elektrárnách. Čeští vědci vymysleli, jak zirkoniové trubky využívané v reaktorech pokrýt nanodiamanty.

Time dependency and minor loops of the martensitic transformation

Dr. rer. nat. Robert Niemann
IFW Dresden, Germany
Thursday 18th Ferbruary 2016 at 14h00
in room no.117 Na Slovance 2, Praha 8

Heat source reconstruction from infrared measurements for analyzing strain localizations in aluminium alloy and shape memory alloys
Prof. Xavier Balandraud

Université Clermont-Auvergne Sigma Clermont, France

L. Straka, world leading expert in magnetic shape memory alloy field has joined the MSM group in February 2016

Short reports on the application of diamond coatings in nuclear reactor technology appeared recently in AIP and


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